Beauty Industry-based Esl Canadian College certificate
- The ONLY accredited institution that offers Workplace English for Esthetics Professionals
- Study fully online from anywhere in the world
- Enjoy lessons tailored to your individual needs
- Suitable for beginners or advanced learners
+ for limited time only, apply now for a chance to receive a free tableT
Dive deep into 15 units dedicated to the intersection of beauty trends, techniques, customer services, and business acument – all while sharpening your English. Not only you will master industry-specific English, but you’ll also gain insights that give you an edge in the international beauty scene.
Our certified instructors use a wide range of interactive teaching resources in a cutting-edge online classrom environment.
There are 4 course levels from Elementary to Advanced.
Each course level is 100 hours over 5 weeks.
Classes are 20 hours per week, 10 hours instructional time and 10 hours assignments. Classes are held virtually, and instructors are available Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
A British Columbia College Certificate is awarded upon successful completion of 1 Level of Workplace English for Esthetics Professionals at CMACollege. (100 hrs)
A British Columbia College Diploma is awarded upon successful completion of 2 or more Levels of Workplace English for Esthetics Professionals at CMACollege. (200 hrs +)
Course Levels
- Elementary
- Pre-Intermediate
- Intermediate
- Advanced
Canadian Students
- Application Fee: $199.00 (Per student one time fee)
Costs per Level:
- Tuition: $899.00
- Textbooks and Kit: $721.00
International Students
- Application Fee: $299.00 (Per student one time fee)
Costs per Level:
- Tuition: $1299.00
- Textbooks and Kit: $721.00
To learn about financial aid options or currently open scholarships, please contact our registrar’s office at
Your funding options are:
– Student Assistance (Government Student Loans)
– Scholarship
– Bank Student Loan
Program Learning Outcomes
The graduate has reliably demonstrated the ability to:
- Communicate competently at a level required for employment or post secondary education, showing flexibility and clarity of thought and expression.
- Communicate competently and flexibly, to interact culturally appropriately, in a variety of workplace, post-secondary and/or societal environments.
- Conduct research and write essays/papers/reports according to academic conventions at a level required by colleges, universities, and/or the workplace.
- Develop thorough general knowledge gained in a wide range of subjects, and insight into both self and society.
- Develop flexibility and clarity of both thought and expression to develop communications competence to a level required by business and industry.
- Understand and utilize critical-thinking processes and problem-solving techniques.
- Examine and evaluate various aspects of our changing society to assist in developing a sense of personal and social responsibility as a citizen in society.
- Employ basic vocational skills drawn from the areas of the humanities, social and behavioural sciences, or vocational studies (business, technology).
Whether you aspire to work on a movie set, backstage of a fashion runway or be your own boss in a spa or salon, our students will acquire the knowledge and experience to work in the billion-dollar beauty industry around the world.