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Our Program

Esthetics foundations

Our Esthetics Foundations Diploma Program is designed to provide you with the skills necessary to become a successful Esthetician. This full time, informative, 660 hour program offers classroom theory and hands-on practical experience in a professionally established environment.

Students have the benefit of learning from experts in the field of Esthetics.

▪ You will learn the theory necessary to understand the body, it’s systems and how esthetic treatments can be anti-aging and deliver the results that positively enhance your client’s beauty and well-being. Our instructors will also provide demonstrations and deliver guidance to students during the hands-on in class practical training.

The program combines instruction in traditional esthetic treatments, and will introduce the latest “in-demand” spa services. Successful graduates will be prepared to work in a salon setting, day spa, resort or cruise ship and will have acquired the knowledge to open, manage and operate their own spa business

CMA College Programs

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